

Based MC uses more than half of the current server ram (12GB/16GB) even tho i was allocating 8GB for the server and 300mb for the proxy, java itself will use more, leaving no space for other services.

Since I want to host more stuff, I had to do something about it.

The changes

I allocated just 4GB to the main Based MC server and changed the view distance from 15 to just 8.

I also removed the ranks and gave the “premium perks” to everyone, making the server completly free.

I did this to make sure that people know that giving money to the server is a direct investiment in what the server provides for everyone! More money donated means more services and more quality in them.

Giving money to the server is not a purchase its an invetiment, and everyone will benefit from it.

What I ask for

All I ask for is the following:

Those who can donate, please do so here. Even the smallest donation will help on the long term.

The money will be used to buy more RAM and more storage, ensuring Based MC can be run forever!


Today Based MC was updated to minecraft 1.21.4

Based MC is not dead and wont ever be as long as I have the capacity to host it!

I will keep hosting, updating and fixing the server regarthless of player count!

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